John R. Lewis College Core Course
Every college at UCSC has its own distinct core course. Social Justice and Community is the John R. Lewis College core course that all first-year students are required to take in the fall quarter. This course satisfies the college graduation requirement for students who have been admitted to UCSC as first-year students. One of the goals underlying the course is to provide incoming students with a shared learning community. Because all first-year students take this class, we hope that it becomes a catalyst for exploring ideas together as well as making new friends. When meeting another student from John R. Lewis College, you can always get things started by sharing your thoughts about the core course.
Social Justice and Community
At John R. Lewis College our focus is on issues relating to community and social justice. Past topics in the John R. Lewis College core course included the following:
- educational access and equality
- criminalization, incarceration, and police brutality
- gender and transgender issues
- race, class, and immigration
- ecological degradation and climate change
- what people can do