Welcome John R. Lewis College Families

Welcome John R. Lewis College families!

Congratulations and welcome to John R. Lewis College!  We think your student made the best choice in deciding to come to UC Santa Cruz, John R. Lewis College and we hope that their transition and time here is transformative. 
We know that parents, guardians, family members, and other loved ones want to stay connected to your student. Check here for information, FAQs and events for families
Please enjoy this welcome video from former Provost Flora Lu and Senior Director for College Student Life, Sarah Woodside Bury.


Winter '25 Virtual Family Gathering


Happy New Year! Our Colleges are excited for your incoming student to join us or continue to be in community with us at either College Nine or John R. Lewis College here at the University of California, Santa Cruz this Winter, 2025. We would like to invite you to a virtual gatheringon Monday Feb. 3rd, 2025 5-6PM PST for an opportunity to learn about the resources and support we offer students affiliated with our Colleges, and to ask questions you may have for our academic and student life staff teams. 

Visit bit.ly/9jrlfamily to register and receive Zoom login details.

We look forward to connecting with you!


Family Gathering Recording & Resources

Housing & Student Life

Housing Email: 9housing10@ucsc.edu

John R. Lewis Residential Life website:


Move-in Dates: https://housing.ucsc.edu/move-in/index.html

What to Bring list: https://housing.ucsc.edu/what-to-bring/index.html

Fridge Rentals: https://www.collegiateconcepts.net/schools/university-of-california-santa-cruz/index.html

Room Tours: https://housing.ucsc.edu/tours/nine/index.html

Housing FAQs: https://housing.ucsc.edu/faq/index.html

Room Changes: https://collegenine.ucsc.edu/residential-life/frequently-asked-questions/room-changes.html

Dining: https://healthcenter.ucsc.edu/services/covid-19/

Terms & Conditions:  https://housing.ucsc.edu/pdf/2022-23-tc-undergrad.pdf

Student Code of Conduct: https://deanofstudents.ucsc.edu/student-conduct/student-handbook

Restorative Justice: https://ches.ucsc.edu/restorativejustice/index.html

Conflict Resolution: https://conflictresolution.ucsc.edu



John R. Lewis College Advising Email: jrlcadvising@ucsc.edu

John R. Lewis College Advising: https://johnrlewis.ucsc.edu/advising/index.html

Departmental Advisors: https://advising.ucsc.edu/about/major-advising/major-links.html

Key Dates: https://registrar.ucsc.edu/calendar/key-dates/index.html

Enrollment Support: https://orientation.ucsc.edu/summer/enrollment-support/index.html

How To Enroll: https://orientation.ucsc.edu/summer/how-to-index.html

Getting Started in the Major (frosh): https://advising.ucsc.edu/gettingstartedinthemajor/frosh/index.html

Getting Started in the Major (transfers) : https://advising.ucsc.edu/gettingstartedinthemajor/transfers/index.html

FERPA: https://registrar.ucsc.edu/records/privacy/ferpa-for-parents.pdf

Slug Success: https://slugsuccess.ucsc.edu/

Major Requirements: https://catalog.ucsc.edu/en/current/general-catalog/academic-programs/bachelors-degrees/

General Education Requirements: https://catalog.ucsc.edu/en/current/general-catalog/undergraduate-information/undergraduate-academic-program/general-education-requirements/

Graduation Requirements: https://catalog.ucsc.edu/en/current/general-catalog/undergraduate-information/undergraduate-academic-program/graduation-requirements/


Activities & Opportunities

College Nine & John R. Lewis College Newsletter: bit.ly/9jrl-news

College Nine & John R. Lewis College Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ucsc9_jrl/

College Nine & John R. Lewis College Events Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r?cid=dWNzYy5lZHVfbWdhaTdwbmNhMHVwM3FwOGJ1b2lsNGt1MThAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ

Welcome Week: https://collegenine.ucsc.edu/cocurricular/welcomeweek.html & https://johnrlewis.ucsc.edu/cocurricular/welcomeweek.html

John R. Lewis College CoCurricular & Activities: https://johnrlewis.ucsc.edu/cocurricular/index.html

John R. Lewis College Find Your Community website: https://johnrlewis.ucsc.edu/findcommunity/index.html

Cornucopia: https://recreation.ucsc.edu/cornucopia/index.html

Resource Centers: https://resourcecenters.ucsc.edu/

ABC Student Success: https://studentsuccess.ucsc.edu/student-spotlight/abc-ssi/index.html

Recreation:  https://recreation.ucsc.edu/

Jobs & Internships: https://careers.ucsc.edu/student/jobs-internships/index.html

Undergrad Research Opportunities: https://ugr.ue.ucsc.edu/

Student Volunteer Center: https://volunteer.ucsc.edu/

Career Success: https://careers.ucsc.edu/student/coaching/index.html

Campus-Wide Events Calendar: https://calendar.ucsc.edu/


Financial Aid & Billing

Payment Due Dates: https://sbs.ucsc.edu/payments_billing/Billing.html

Financial Aid: https://financialaid.ucsc.edu/index.html

Slug Support: https://deanofstudents.ucsc.edu/slug-support/program/



Santa Cruz metro: http://www.scmtd.com/en/


Campus Busses & Shuttles: https://taps.ucsc.edu/buses-shuttles/index.html

Bikes: https://taps.ucsc.edu/bike-programs/bike-share.html


Health & COVID-19 Resources

Health E-Messenger: https://healthcenter.ucsc.edu/information/health-e-messenger-new.html

Student Health Center COVID resources: https://healthcenter.ucsc.edu/services/covid-19/

Counseling & Psychological Services:  https://caps.ucsc.edu/

UCSHIP Insurance: https://shc.uci.edu/insurance/uc-ship-benefits-and-information/uship

UCSHIP Billing: https://healthcenter.ucsc.edu/billing-insurance/101.html

COVID-19 FAQs: https://healthcenter.ucsc.edu/services/covid-19/covid19-faq.html




We're so excited for you to join us on campus soon! To help make move-in day a breeze, we've partnered with Dormify, the one-stop shop for college. From bedding + dorm bundles to storage essentials + more, we're worked together to curate all of the items you'll need to make your transition to college easy. We're excited to offer you $25 off + free shipping on your order of $250+ with code MOVEIN. Get move-in day ready here: collegetenucsc.dormify.com/move-in


Events & Spots to Check Out in Santa Cruz! 

UCSC Arboretum

The UC Santa Cruz Arboretum & Botanic Garden’s rich and diverse collection contains representatives of more than 300 plant families of Mediterranean climates. The garden maintains collections of rare and threatened plants of unusual scientific interest. Particular specialties are world conifers, primitive angiosperms, and bulb-forming plant families. Large assemblages of plants from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and California natives are displayed on the grounds. Many of the species in these collections are not otherwise available for study in American botanical gardens and arboreta.

Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History (MAH)

Located in Abbott Square

The Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History (MAH) is a thriving community gathering place that offers a full slate of art and history exhibitions, visual and performing artworks, public festivals, education and outreach programs, and cultural celebrations in collaboration with many partners.

Henry Cowell State Park

Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park is located in the Santa Cruz Mountains and is most famous for the 40-acre grove of towering old-growth redwood trees. Its historical significance and spectacular scenery draw travelers from around the world. Visitors can enjoy hiking, horseback riding, picnicking, swimming, and camping on more than 4,650 acres of forested and open land.

Wilder Ranch State Park

The Santa Cruz coastline awaits discovery on Wilder Ranch State Park’s 7,000 acres. From the crest of Ben Lomond Mountain, the landscape rolls down ancient wave-cut terraces through the marsh lands of a nature preserve to the seashore. Step back in time to the late 1800's and visit an early dairy ranch. You can explore California's early ranching history by visiting an 1897 Victorian home, or experience a 1896 water-powered machine shop. Bring a picnic to enjoy on the front lawn, and visit the farm animals. With more than 35 miles of trail, you can adventure into the Santa Cruz Mountains or walk along the coastal bluffs.

Lighthouse Point

The Point features a surfing museum in a lighthouse & is the location of Steamer Lane, the county’s most famous surfing spot.

Natural Bridges State Beach

This park and beach is an excellent vantage point for viewing shore birds, migrating whales, as well as seals and otters playing offshore. Further along the beach, public access tidepools offer a glimpse of life beneath the sea. Low tides reveal sea stars, shore crabs, sea anemones, and other colorful ocean life.  The park also includes a large area of coastal scrub and grasslands, with bright native wildflowers in the spring.  Moore Creek flows through the park, forming freshwater wetlands and a salt marsh before it reaches the sea.

Seymour Marine Discovery Center 

The Seymour Marine Discovery Center is a community-supported marine science education center operated by the University of California, Santa Cruz, and boasts a variety of unique and interactive indoor and outdoor exhibits. Outside, enjoy an easy stroll along the bluffs and through the native landscape, where you’ll discover a gray whale skeleton and life-size elephant seal sculptures. Make sure to circle around and meet Ms. Blue, one of the largest blue whale skeletons on display in the world. Keep your eyes peeled — you may see otters, dolphins, whales, sea lions, seals and birds in the surrounding environment.

Wander inside and experience the thrill of scientific discovery through breathtaking photos captured by UC Santa Cruz researchers and their collaborators in the “Photos from the Field” exhibition. You’ll see octopus, eels, sharks, rockfish, jellies, and all sorts of live creatures who inhabit Monterey Bay. You can even touch a swell shark. Don’t worry, they don’t bite!

Email Contacts:

Sarah Woodside Bury, Senior Director of College Student Life: sarahcw@ucsc.edu

Kim Lau, Provost: lau@ucsc.edu

Siobhán Byrne, Associate Director of College Student Life: sbyrne@ucsc.edu

Jennifer Roldan, Assistant Director for Residential Education: jdroldan@ucsc.edu

Adrian Campos Arenas, Lead Academic Preceptor: adacampo@ucsc.edu


This section contains resources for the family members/support people of our College Nine and John R. Lewis College students. Please click the links to learn more!
UCSC Family Guide for info regarding Admissions, Requirements, etc.
UCSC Families website for tons of helpful information, FAQs and important website links!