Faculty Directory
- Title
- Professor Emerita of Anthropology
- Department
- Anthropology Department
- John R. Lewis College
- Crown College
- Phone
- Email
- Office Location
- Title
- Department
- John R. Lewis College
- Crown College
- Phone
- Email
- Website
- Office Location
- Fall: College 10 assigns
- Winter: Crown assigns
- Crown College
- Title
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Stevenson College
- John R. Lewis College
- Phone
- Email
- Website
- Office Location
- Office Hours (Summer Session 2, 2024) By appointment
- Title
- Department
- Psychology Department
- John R. Lewis College
- Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
- Phone
- Email
- Office Location
- Social Sciences 1, Room 245
- Office Hours (Spring 2024) (Zoom) Friday 11:00 am - 12:00 pm https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/95022043296?pwd=ZGlwZ2FZYkdJbzI1dUhFdVc3OWVYQT09