Faculty Directory
- Pronouns they, them, their, theirs, themself
- Title
- Lecturer
- Division Social Sciences Division
- Department
- Psychology Department
- John R. Lewis College
- Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
- Phone 831-459-4876
- Office Location
- Social Sciences 1, Room 245
- Office Hours (Spring 2024) (Zoom) Friday 11:00 am - 12:00 pm https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/95022043296?pwd=ZGlwZ2FZYkdJbzI1dUhFdVc3OWVYQT09
- Mail Stop Psychology Faculty Services
- Mailing Address
- 1156 High St, Psychology Dept.
- 95064-1077
- Courses PSYC 40: Intro to Social, PSYC 142 Psychology of Oppression and Liberation, PSYC 149 Community Psychology, PSYC 159E Peace Psychology, PSYC 159X Psychology of Social Activism
Research Interests
Racial and gender identity development. Social psychology of social movements, conscientization, and radicalization. Critical, feminist, and liberation psychologies.
Biography, Education and Training
B.A. University of Colorado, Boulder;
M.S. University of California, Santa Cruz;
Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz